If you are interested in being interviewed for the show. Connect to share your work.
Founder of Wildeye Adventures Yara created and previously presented the Natural Healing Show on UK Health Radio. A show exploring the world of natural therapies and health, now currently presented by Catherine Carrigan.
As a presenter and public speaker, Yara has interviewed a variety of people from different walks of life. Entrepreneurs, scientists, authors, outdoor educators, therapists, doctors, farmers, indigenous people and environmental activists from around the world.
In 2020 Yara set up the "Environment & Conservation Show" on UK Health Radio alongside environmental journalist Yasmin Dahnoun, founder of Earth Witness News. Together they interview guests creating environmental projects, nature connection, conservation efforts and sustainable development.
Indigenous people living in natural environments are perceived as the guardians of the worlds last remaining natural ecosystems. They carry immense knowledge, adopting valuable education on conservation, plant medicine, sustainability & biodiversity. Ancient knowledge passed down through word of mouth to younger generations by their ancestors. The show provides a platform to explore indigenous education and activism. Exploring humanity's connection to the natural world. Visit UK Health Radio website to find out more.

Yara Ghrewati & Yasmin Dahnoun present the Environment & Conservation Show.
A show dedicated to humanities connection to the natural world. Sharing environmental awareness, conservation, nature science, eco-friendly initiatives, campaigns, sustainable goals and climate action.
Interviewing a variety of educators, entrepreneurs, ecologists, conservationists, farmers, activists, ambassadors and professionals impacting communities via environmental causes, climate action and sustainable development.
A community platform giving a voice to indigenous people, environmental activists, campaigners, resilient communities and grassroots organisations creating positive change from the ground up. Raising awareness on nature connection, conservation, restoration and the regeneration of natural habitats & ecosystems.
If you are interested in raising awareness or being interviewed on the Environment & Conservation Show. Please connect with Yara via Wildeye Adventures or Yasmin via Earth Witness News.


Yara Ghrewati
Founder of the Environment & Conservation Show on UK Health Radio. Yara is a survival instructor, forest bathing practitioner, public speaker & environmental campaigner. She first discovered survival skills whilst in tropical rainforests with remote tribal cultures and has dedicated her life’s work to raising awareness on ancient trees, forest conservation, reforestation, indigenous peoples, agroforestry & sustainability.
Having worked in the outdoor & environmental industry for over a decade. Yara continues to represent organisations that create sustainable projects encouraging community resilience, reforestation, restoration and the regeneration of natural ecosystems.

Food Forests
Environment & Conservation Show