Wildeye Adventures in collaboration with Down in the Woods offers a day time course sharing bushcraft skills combined with archery practise. We run this particular course in a private woodlands based in Dorking in Surrey. This course is catered towards families & children 8+ years.
Spend the day in the woods. Arrival is Saturday 9th April at 10am and departure at 4pm.
Gather round the fire in the morning time for a cup of hot brew, then explore the bluebell woods on a walkabout.
Take part in a wood carving activity (spoon making) Learn how to use a carving knife safely & effectively. Be shown chopping, carving & shaping techniques and create your own spoon to take home. Wood carving requires patience and is a creative skill that can turn into a very meditative activity. Time goes by when you immerse yourself into creating something out of nothing. They'll also be outdoor activities to take part in such as a foraging nature hunt (Tree/Plant/Fungi ID) or nature arts & crafts.
You'll also have the opportunity to practise archery and shoot arrows into a target. Try your luck in our shooting competition, highest score wins a pack of marshmallows & screwers to toast over the fire.
This experience is self-catered so please bring a picnic, personal packed lunches, fruit or any extra snacks to sustain you throughout the day. We'll have some treats by the fire side. There is water on site to refill water bottles and hot water is provided throughout the day with herbal teas available. We can forage wild nettle and you can make some nettle tea over a fire.
Please bring a refillable water bottle and a flask/mug for any hot drinks.
Maximum 16 guests on this course. Booking in advance in advised.
For booking & payment details please email: contact@wildeyeadventures.com
After booking & payment you'll be sent an email with locations details and advised on what to bring.
There is parking on site for cars. Then it's about a 15minute walk into the woods from the car park.
Please dress appropriately for the outdoors. Wear suitable outdoor trainers/boots and bring a waterproof jacket.
British water can be un-predictable, however, there is a parachute on site and there will be tarps up in the woods providing shelter.
A fun day out for the family down in the woods. Hope you can join by the fire side.
This course is for adults & children 8+ years.
Maximum 15 guests per camp.
For other bushcraft courses check out Family Bushcraft Camps or Bushcraft Birthdays
You may organise a private woodland experience including archery practise with a specific group.
Pricing depends on group size, time of year and activities requested. Please get in touch to discuss how we can support you in creating a memorable woodland experience.
All bushcraft & archery equipment is provided for all activities. Archery sessions will last between 45min - 1hr and you'll have a chance to practise firing arrows into a target.

DATE: Sat 9th April 2022
TIME: 10am - 4pm
For booking & payment details please email:

1 x Adult - £70
2 x Adults - £60 each
1 x Child - £35
2nd / 3rd child £30 each
For other bushcraft courses check out Family Bushcraft Camps or Bushcraft Birthdays.